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●にほんごてすと(もし) Mock Test

模試 Mock Test

JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Mock Test

The JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test ( JLPT) certifies your Japanese language level.

Depending on your JLPT level, the jobs you can do in Japan will vary.

Let’s take the JLPT. It'll open doors for you. There are many ways to study Japanese and OBP Academy will provide you with a mock test at a low price. You can see what level you are at in your Japanese studies. And once you know your level, please apply for the JLPT. You can take our mock test as many times as you like. Please use our test as a way to practice until you pass the JLPT.


OBP Academy's JLPT Preparation
Mock Tests

Special features: You can take it overseas and in Japan. You can take the test at various times considering the time difference.

Explanations: Explanations are provided in both English and Japanese.

Benefit: Employment counseling is also available. Support for overseas students coming to Japan is also available for a fee.

Exam level: N4, N3, N2

Content: The content of the mock test is different each time.

How to apply for the mock test: Please apply by e-mail.  info@obp.academy

   SubjectJLPT Mock Test Application ② Name (same as passport) ③ Nationality  ④ Address Occupation Level you want to take Whether you want to take OBP's Japanese lesson or not. Do you want to have employment counseling? 

Application deadlines: February 28th , June 8th , September 12th , and November 22nd . For those whose payment is confirmed by 3:00 p.m. Japan time.

Time of Mock Test:  120 minutes for N2,  115 minutes for N3 and N4


N4 Mock Test 14:00 - Commentary 16:00 - 16:30

N3 mock test 17:00 - Commentary 19:00-19:30

N2 mock test 20:00 - Commentary 22:00 - 22:30

N4 mock exam 23:00 - Commentary 01:00 - 01:30

N3 mock exam 02:00 - Commentary 04:00 - 04:30

N3 mock exam 05:00 - Commentary 07:00 - 07:30

Mock Test Fee: N4  1,500yen/ USD10    N3  1,700yen/ USD12     N2  1,800yen /USD13

Payment Method: For those in Japan Credit card in Japanese Yen or Bank Transfer

For those overseas Credit card in Japanese Yen or USD


模試 Mock Test (in Jpanese )








OBPAcademy 日本語にほんご能力のうりょく試験しけん対策たいさく模試もし


解説かいせつ: 日本語にほんご英語えいご併用へいようしておこなます。



模試もし日程にってい:(第1だい1かい) 3がつ2にち(第2だい2かい) 6がつ8にち(第3だい3かい) 9がつ14にち(第4だい4かい) 11がつ24にち


もうほうほう:メールもうみ info@obp.academy   

メールもう記入きにゅう内容ないよう:①Subject: 模試もしもう ②名前なまえ(パスポートとおなじ)③国籍こくせき ④住所じゅうしょ

しょくぎょう ⑥きゅう ⑦ほんこうしゅうか。はい いいえ  ⑧就職しゅうしょく相談そうだんしますか はい いいえ

もうげん:(第1だい1かい2がつ28にち(第2だい2かい)6がつ8にち(第3だい3かい)9がつ12にち(第4だい4かい)11がつ22にち 日本にっぽん時間じかん15まで(りょうきんはらかくていかん

模試もし時間じかんN2は120ふん  N3と、N4は115ふん 

時間割じかんわり: (日本にっぽん時間じかん記載きさいしています。)

N4 14~  かいせつ~16ぷん

N3 17~  かいせつ~19ぷん

N2 20~  かいせつ~22ふん

N4 23~  かいせつ~01ふん

N3 02~  かいせつ~04ぷん

N 05~  かいせつ~07ぷん

模試もし受験料じゅけんりょう: N4 1,500えん/$10   N3 1,700えん/$12   N2 1,800えん/$13

支払いしはらい方法ほうほう: 日本にほん国内こくない 日本にほんえんでクレジットもしくは銀行ぎんこう振込ふりこみ  海外かいがいから 日本にほんえんもしくはべいドルでクレジット
