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● For Non-Japanese 外国人就職サポート

For the people who want to be a teacher in preschools

Job Support for English-speaking non-Japanese people 

OBP Academy is a certified job agent in Japan.
We specialize in introducing teachers who are in the early childhood education field to preschools. 

We introduce teachers to 
★International schools and preschools 
★Japanese nursery schools
★Japanese kindergartens
★ALT+ Project coming soon!
ALT+ is new type of ALT, not only pronouncing English words, but you can teach subjects like math and science in English at public schools or juku (cram school) 

Process of introducing jobs
Please send  your resume to OBP Academy.
→OBP will check your resume. 

→ZOOM or face-to-face interview.
We will ask you some questions about your resume to know more about you. 
We will ask your desired work style, annual salary, etc.

→If there are no problems, we will send your resume to schools which are matching to your requirements. 

→If a school is interested in you♡

→You will be invited to an interview.  In most cases, we will accompany you to the interview.

→(Demo day)

→Notification of acceptance or rejection comes from the school.

→If you are accepted, you can proceed to the contract☺ 

Any inquiry → job@obp.academy

Notes on resume preparation

Notes on resume preparation
1. Please send the latest version of your resume.
2. Please make your resume in Word, not handwritten.
3. Please attach a photograph.
4. Please include the year and month of your education and work experience. If you graduated from a school, please write the location of the school. 
5. Please do not fill in a school that you did not graduate from.
6. Work experience in kindergartens and schools should be written in detail.
7.Other employment history does not need to be described in lengthy detail.
8. Please write a clear personal statement.
9. Qualifications, skills, Japanese language ability, and English level are also required.
10. Please write your visa type and expiration date.
11. Include contact information for the person who can verify the information on your resume.
12. It is a crime to falsify your resume.

Send your resume or inquiry to job@obp.academy 

Cheering Message

Hi everyone! I am Evans from Ghana. Previously in my country, I worked as a teacher in public schools.  At the morment, I am working in a nursery school in Kanagwa, Japan. I teach and care the children, from 0 to 5 years old. Your literacy of Japanese language and experience of Japanese style childcare will guarantee you a better chance. All the best!!
Mr. Evans