●入室料 5,000円、
* Common matters Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ
●Registration fee 5,000 yen,
●Using OBP Academy's original learning materials.
Ⅱ 通信制大学サポートコース
Ⅱ Online College Support course
This course supports the learning of those who enrolled in a designated online Hoikushi training junior college by OBP academy.
OBP learning material and the textbook of the online college will be used together for studying. We will provide support course according to the schedule of the curriculum of the online college.
The course includes a pre-admission Hoiku basic class, which covers the basics of subjects.
◎学校入学手続きサポート わかりづらい入学書類の説明、支払いの説明、小論文の練習などをお手伝い
◎Pre-admission Hoiku basic class
◎Entrance application support: OBP will explain how to fill up the entrance application forms, explain what documents you need, and teach how to write the essay.
◎Regular Support Class(online) : OBP teacher guide you how to take the lessons, check your schedules, curriculum contents of the week, give you advise on the submitting reports.
Lessons are held on week day night time or weekend : Once a week (twice a week when necessary) 2 hours per lesson
OBPサポート料金:1年間20万円 (OBPアカデミーの教材費込み) 分割あり 通学期間中(3年間)受講が原則です。
OBP Support Fee: 200,000yen / year (x12 Installment available)
Taking the course while attending school(3years) is basically required.
Note: OBP Support fee is separated from the Jr. College tuition fee. If you don’t need our foreigner support and you can study by yourself, please don’t apply to this course. Tax separated
~About Toyooka online Jr. College~
OBP Academy recommend Tyooka Jr. online jr. college for those who would like to learn at an online Hoiku school.
費用 (短大)
3年間の授業料+スクーリング費用 おおよその合計=71万円
Fee(jr. college)
Hoikushi Course Three years approximate total tuition + schooling fee= 710,000yen
*If you add kindergarten teacher’s license course=790,000yen
スクーリング会場: 本校 兵庫県豊岡市/ 北海道札幌 /東京 千代田区 小金井市 新宿区/ 北陸 新潟市 /中部 名古屋市 岡崎市 /近畿 大阪市 姫路市 /九州 熊本市
Schooling venue: Main school Toyooka City Hyogo/ Sapporo Hokkaido/ Kanto Chiyoda Tokyo, Koganei Tokyo, Shinjuku Tokyo/ Hokuriku Niigata-shi/ Chubu Okazaki Aichi, Nagoya Aichi/ Kinki Osaka-shi/ Himeji Hyogo/ Kyushu Kumamoto-shi