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●保育士資格 Hoikushi License

①Imformation Seminar "Hoikushi License" 説明会

Information seminar about
Hoikushi License on the following dates.

Date and time: March5th Wedensday  21:45~22:15

Fee: Free of charge

How to participate: zoom
zoom link will be open here on Tuesday night....

Application: Please apply by e-mail kozue.k@obp.academy
Application deadline: Please send your email before enter zoom meeting 
Subject I will join Hoikushi Information Session 
1. Name
2. Nationality 
3.Japanese level 

If you are serious about becoming a childcare worker, you will need a certificate of graduation from your last school (even if it is outside of Japan), transcripts, and a Japanese translation of each. 
OBP Academy recommends the correspondence-based junior college the most, and the application deadline for junior college is March 31.

Please contact: kozue.k@obp.academy


日時:3月5日水曜日 21時45分~22時15分
↓ こちらのリンクからzoomに入れます。


題名:保育士セミナー参加 名前、国籍、日本語レベルを書いてください。



②What is Hoikushi License? 保育士資格ってなんですか。


Hoikushi is a national qualification with high salary and stable job which is popular to Japanese as well.




Basic knowledge of Hoikushi (Nursery school teachers)





 It is possible for a foreigner to become qualify as a childcare worker if you meet the educational requirements.

However, at this moment, only permanent residents, long term visa holders, spouse visa holders are eligible to work as Hoikushi.

If a working visa as Hoikushi becomes legally recognized in the future, anyone who has a Hoikushi visa will be able to work as a Hoikushi.




 Hoikusi is a national qualification in Japan and is a qualification for working in child welfare facilities such as Hoikuen (Nursery Schools/ Daycare).

It is a childcare professional qualification recognized by the Japanese government as a specialist in childcare for babies and toddlers.



Hoikushi is a job where people are in short supply and have no trouble finding work. 

If there is a nursery school nearby, you will be able to work no matter where you are in Japan.


東京(とうきょう)()(ない)(にん)()(えん)認証園(にんしょうえん)(はたら)くと、住居(じゅうきょ)必要(ひつよう)()(あい)は、お給料(きゅうりょう)とは(べつ)に、 (原則(げんそく)として)()(ちん)()(じょ)してもらえます。((つき)82,000円まで)他県(たけん)でも金額(きんがく)(ちが)いますが、()(ちん)()助制(じょせい)()があります。


The salary is stable, since the childcare fee of the licensed Hoikuen is paid by tax.  In addition to stable income, if you need a house, during you are working at a licensed or certified nursery school in Tokyo, you can (in general) get subsidies for rent in addition to your salary.
(additional up to 82,000 yen a month).

There is a rent subsidy system in another prefectures as well, although the subsidy amounts differ depending on the prefecture.

OBP  2019ねんから外国人がいこくじんいく育成いくせいサポートさぽーとけています。

OBP has been providing support for rearing Gaikokujin Hoikusi since 2019.





All the class mates are foreigners who are aiming to become Hoikushi just like you. For the same goal, you can encourage each other by exchanging information and interacting at lessons and meetings.

You can motivate yourself until the successful acquisition of qualification.

OBP Academy’s Support Courses


Ⅰ こく受験じゅけん準備じゅんびコース 

 Hoikushi National Exam Perp. Course

Ⅱ  通信制つうしんせい大学だいがくサポートコース 

 Online College Supporting Course

Ⅲ  保育士ほいくし養成校ようせいこう通学つうがくサポートコース

Hoikushi Training School Supporting Course

③How to become a Hoikushi?  どうやったら保育士になれる?


How can I become a Hoikushi?



1.Take and pass the Hoikusi national examination


2.Graduate from Hoikushi training online college


3.養成校保育士ほいくしようせいこう に通学つうがくして そつぎょうする

Graduate from a Hoikushi training school (a Hoikushi vocational school, a junior college or a university's childcare-related department)


④What is Hoikushi Examination? 保育士試験とは?


1.For those choose“To take and pass the Hoikushi National Examination”.



Eligibility You need to meet the condition or


ⓐ 高校こうこう卒業そつぎょうしたあと日本にほんで 23年制ねんせい学校専門せんもんがっこうか、大学短期たんきだいがく卒業そつぎょうしたひと大学だいがく3年生ねんせい以上いじょうひと

Those who have graduated from a vocational school or junior college for 2 to 3 years and those who are in the third year of university or above, after graduating from high school.



A person who has graduated from an overseas university and able to submit a university diploma and academic transcript.



About the Examination




The Hoikushi exam is held twice a year. 

There are paper exam and practical exam. If you pass the practical exam, you will obtain the Hoikushi License.


いくけんねん2かいひっけんは 9もくあります。マークシート形式けいしきで、1もくにつき 10102020もん設問せつもんが 出題しゅつだいされます。

The Hoikusi Examination is held twice a year. It is Scantron Sheet (Mark Sheet) style, and there are 10 ~20 questions in each subject.


9もくすべてをいち合格ごうかくする必要ひつようはありません。合格ごうかくした科目かもく3年間3ねんかん有効ゆうこうとなるので、 2かいからは合格ごうかくになったもくだけ受験じゅけんして、3年間ねんかんかけて合格ごうかくすることものうです。ただし、教育原きょういくげん社会的擁しゃかいてきよう一回いっかいけんする必要ひつようがあります。


You do not have to pass all nine subjects at once.  Passed subjects are valid for 3 years, so from the 2nd year onward, you can take only the failed subjects and pass them over several years.  However, passing within the same exam is required for  “Principles of Education” and  “Child-Home Welfare”.


● 試験しけん9 科目かもく    9 Subjects

だい 1 科目かもく 保育ほいく原理げんり   Subject1 Principles of Childcare

だい 2 科目かもく 教育きょういく原理げんり    Subject2 Principles of Education

第3だい3 科目かもく ども家庭かてい福祉ふくし  Subject3 Child-Family Welfare

だい 4 科目かもく 社会しゃかい福祉ふくし      Subject4 Social Welfare

第5だい5 科目かもく 社会的しゃかいてき養護ようご    Subject5 Child-Home welfare

だい 6 科目かもく 保育ほいく心理学しんりがく   Subject6 Philosophy of Childcare

だい 7 科目かもく どもの保健ほけん    Subject7 Children’s Health

だい 8 もく どものしょくえいよう     Subject8 Child Food and Nutrition

だいもく いくじっしゅうろん   Childcare Practical Training Theory

9科目かもく合格ごうかくすると、じつけんすすみます。 音楽おんがく造形ぞうけいげんなかから2ふたつをえらびます。 選択せんたくした2ふたつのじつ合格ごうかくするといくとなります。


If you pass all 9 subjects, you will proceed to a secondary practical exam.

Choose two from 1.Music, 2.Drawing, and 3.Storytelling.

If you pass two practical exams, you will become a Hoikushi.

⑤OBP Hoikushi Exam Support Course 保育士試験サポートコース


Feature/ Contents/ and Fee of Each Course 



I National Examination Prep Course


このコースはねんに 2回行かいおこなわれるいくこっけん(けん受験料じゅけんりょう 12,950えん)受験じゅけんし、合格ごうかくしていくとなりたいかたをサポートするコースです。 コースは、独学どくがくサポート講習こうしゅうかれます。



This is a course for those who want to take the national exam, which is held twice a year (examination fee is 12,950yen), and pass it to become a Hoikushi.

There are two options  or  for you.







Contents of National Exam Course

①SELF  STUDY . You can start learning anytime. Using OBP academy’s learning materials, the examinees study by themselves to pass the exam.



サポート講習こうしゅう : 4がつ10月開講がつかいこう  本教材ほんきょうざい使つかった宅学習たくがくしゅうくわえ、 zoom講習こうしゅう受講じゅこうします。zoom講習こうしゅう6月間げつかんしゅう1かい2時間じかん受講じゅこうするにはテキストの購入こうにゅう必要ひつようです。


②Support Lesson on zoom:  Courses start in April and October. 

6 months course, 3times a month, 2 hours per lesson. 

The course is available to those who have purchased the text set.



Fees of  National Exam Course


入室料にゅうしつりょう 5,000えん 



* Common matters   

Registration fee 5,000 yen,

Using OBP Academy's original learning materials.

独学どくがく教材費きょうざいひ: 本教材ほんきょうざい 9教科きょうかフルセット30,000えん   /単科たんか5,000えん

①SELF STUDY Material Fee:  OBP original textbooks, 9 subjects

full set 30,000 yen,  single subject 5,000 yen




期間きかん終了後しゅうりょうごは、zoom レッスンれっすん1かい,000えん再受講可さいじゅこうか


②SUPPORT COURSE : Lesson Fee 90,000 yen (6 months) 

Aboutlessons / month

You can re-take the lesson after 6months, one lesson 2,000yen.

You need to purchase the OBP textbook (30,000yen) to take support lesson.


試験前しけんまえ申込書もうしこみしょ記入きにゅうサポート: わかりづらいけんもう書類しょるい説明せつめいはらいの説明せつめい提出ていしゅつ書類しょるい確認かくにんなどをおつだいします。

Examination application support: OBP will explain how to fill up the  application forms, explain what documents you need to submit.


⑥What is Online Hoiku college? 通信制の保育士養成校とは?


For those choose would like to obtain the license by graduating from Hoikushi training online college

通学つうがくする学校がっこうとおい、ごと両立りょうりつしたいいうかたてきしたほうほうです。年数在籍ざいせきねんすうは 3ねんです。大学だいがくから郵送ゆうそうされるテキストを使つかって、シラバスしらばすもとづき、原則げんそく自宅じたくで、ぶん学習がくしゅうします日本語にほんごでのレポート提出ていしゅつ必要ひつようです。


This method is suitable for those who live away from schools, or those who wants to obtain Hoikushi qualification while working. Years of enrollment is 3 years.


You need to study based on the syllabus using the designated textbooks sent from the university in general. You need to submit short essays in Japanese for the content of your study.



There is a class called “schooling” that you must attend the actual classes for a certain period of time.



Tuition fee is less than half the price for commuting to Hoikushi training schools.




If you choose this course, you will enroll in a junior college of correspondence recommended by OBP Academy. Now we are recommending Toyooka Jr. University.


⑦OBP Online Hoiku College Support course 通信制保育士養成校サポートコース


入室料にゅうしつりょう 5,000えん 



* Common matters   

Registration fee 5,000 yen,

Using OBP Academy's original learning materials.

Ⅱ 通信制つうしんせい大学だいがくサポートコース 

Ⅱ Online College Support course







This course supports the learning of those who enrolled in a designated online Hoikushi training junior college by OBP academy.

OBP learning material and the textbook of the online college will be used together for studying. We will provide support course according to the schedule of the curriculum of the online college.

The course includes a pre-admission Hoiku basic class, which covers the basics of subjects.




学校がっこう入学にゅうがく手続きてつづきサポート わかりづらい入学にゅうがく書類しょるい説明せつめいはらいの説明せつめい小論文しょうろんぶん練習れんしゅうなどをおつだ





Pre-admission Hoiku basic class

Entrance application support: OBP will explain how to fill up the entrance application forms, explain what documents you need, and teach how to write the essay.

Regular Support Class(online) :  OBP teacher guide you how to take the lessons, check your schedules, curriculum contents of the week, give you advise on the submitting reports.

Lessons are held on week day night time  or weekend :  Once a week (twice a week when necessary) 2 hours per lesson


OBPサポート料金りょうきん1年間ねんかん20まんえん  (OBPアカデミーのきょうざい  分割ぶんかつあり つう学期がくき間中かんちゅう(3年間ねんかん)受講じゅこう原則げんそくです。


OBP Support Fee: 200,000yen / year     (x12  Installment available)

Taking the course while attending school(3years) is basically required.



Note: OBP Support fee is separated from the Jr. College tuition fee. If you don’t need our foreigner support and you can study by yourself, please don’t apply to this course.   Tax separated






~About Toyooka online Jr. College~

OBP Academy recommend Tyooka Jr. online jr. college for those who would like to learn at an online Hoiku school.


費用 (短大)

3ねんかん授業料じゅぎょうりょう+スクーリング費用ひよう おおよその合計ごうけい=71万円まんえん 



Feejr. college

Hoikushi Course Three years approximate total tuition + schooling fee= 710,000yen

*If you add kindergarten teacher’s license course=790,000yen


スクーリング会場かいじょう: 本校ほんこう 兵庫県ひょうごけん豊岡市とよおかし/ 北海道ほっかいどう札幌さっぽろ /東京とうきょう 千代田区ちよだく 小金井市こがねいし 新宿区しんじゅくく/ 北陸ほくりく 新潟市にいがたし /中部ちゅうぶ 名古屋市なごやし 岡崎市おかざきし /近畿きんき 大阪市おおさかし 姫路市ひめじし /九州きゅうしゅう 熊本くまもと

Schooling venue: Main school Toyooka City Hyogo/ Sapporo Hokkaido/ Kanto Chiyoda Tokyo, Koganei Tokyo, Shinjuku Tokyo/ Hokuriku Niigata-shi/  Chubu Okazaki Aichi, Nagoya Aichi/ Kinki Osaka-shi/ Himeji Hyogo/ Kyushu Kumamoto-shi


⑧What is Hoiku vocational school? 保育士養成校とは?


For those choose graduate from a Hoikusi training school.





Hoikushi training school includes; a Hoikushi vocational school, a junior college or a university's childcare- related department) 

Eligibility:  Those who have graduated from high school in Japan or abroad can enroll in Hoikushi training school.



We will search for a school nearby your house.


Information about Human Academy

 〇 えき: 新宿区高田東京都とうきょうとしんじゅくくたかだの馬場ばば えき 高田たかだのえき (東京校とうきょうこう)横浜駅よこはまえき横浜校よこはまこう

Nearest Station: Takadanobaba StationTokyo) Yokohama Station (Kanagawa)


〇 通学つうがく年数ねんすう 2ねん

Years of Commuting:  Daytime course - 2 years 


〇 この学校がっこうGoodポイント:まいにちかなくていい。学校がっこうしゅう3っか  

Good point of this school. Three days a week, not every day.

Since the classes takes place in homeroom system, your homeroom teacher is in charge of teaching you. (Able to have better communications and relationships with the teacher.) 

⑨OBP Hoiku Vocational School Support course 通学制保育養成校サポートコース


入室料にゅうしつりょう 5,000えん 



* Common matters   

Registration fee 5,000 yen,

Using OBP Academy's original learning materials.


 Ⅲ Hoikusi Training School Support Course




推薦校(すいせんこう)皆様(みなさま)のお()まいの場所(ばしょ)により(こと)なりますので、OBPにご(そう)(だん)ください。 (わたし)たちがお(さが)しします。




This course supports students who are belonging to Hoikusi training schools.

Support lessons are online (zoom). 

If you want to enter a school near your house, please consult OBP.  We will search for you. Courses are set according to the school you enter.

The course includes a pre-admission Hoiku basic class, which covers the basics of subjects using OBP learning material in prior to admission.

N2 level of Japanese skill is required.




(にゅう)(がく)(まえ)()()(こう)(しゅう)  :  4(しゅう)(れん)(ぞく) ()(よう)()4()(かん)もしくは平日(へいじつ)(よる)4(よっ)()(かん)、 1(かい)時間(じかん) (講師(こうし)都合(つごう)によりご(あん)(ない)します。)



Pre-admission Hoiku basic class:  4 consecutive weeks, 4 days on Saturday, or a weekday 
Depends on the teacher’s schedule1lesson =2 hours

You can learn the points of Hoiku in advance so it helps you to study at actual school.



Entrance support: OBP will explain how to fill up the entrance application forms, explain what documents you need to prepare, and teach how to write the essay about the reason for application.


特別(とくべつ)レッスン 入学後(にゅうがくご)学校(がっこう)授業(じゅぎょう)理解(りかい)できないとき(いと)(とく)(べつ)レッスン(おこな)います。 
(いっ)(かい)()(かん) 日時(にちじ)相談(そうだん)


Special Lesson   After entering school, when you can’t understand or catch up the school classes, you can always ask OBP teachers to have a follow up lesson.

A special lesson is for 2 hours, we can consult the date and time.


OBPサポート(りょう) (きん) 

入学前(にゅうがくまえ)基礎(きそ)講習(こうしゅう): 50,000(えん) 



OBP Support Fee

Pre-admission Hoiku Basic Class: 50,000yen

*OBP 9subject textbook full set is included in 50,000yen.


1(かい)2時間(じかん) 2000

Special Lesson (For those feel difficulty at Hoikushi school)

  1 lesson is for 2 hours   Fee:   2,000yen/ lesson

⑩Scholarship and Student Loan 奨学金・ローンについて


For those who are worried about tuition fees



かくどうけんには、保育士ほいくしせい無利子むりし学校がっこうにかかる費用ひよう無利子むりししてくれる制度せいどがあります。東京とうきょうあい年間ねんかん最大さいだい120120万円まんえんしてくれます。 いく学校がっこう卒業そつぎょう して、いく登録とうろくをし、東京とうきょういくとして 5年間ねんかん4545さいじょうあい3年間ねんかん) はたらくと返済免除へんさいめんじょになります。 永住権えいじゅうけん必要ひつよう


A:Hoikushi Study Fund Loan System

Each prefecture has a Hoikushi study fund loan system, which lends interest-free school expenses to students who want to become a Hoikushi. 

In the case of Tokyo, Tokyo will lend you up to 1.2 million yen a year. If you graduate from a Hoikushi training school, register as a Hoikushi, and work as a Hoikushi in Tokyo for 5 years (3 years if you are over 45 years old), you will be exempt from repayment.

Permanent residency is needed.



日本にほん政策せいさく金融きんゆう公庫こうこくに きょういくローン)上限じょうげん350万円まんえんまでもあります。返済免除へんさいめんじょはありませんが、金利きんりひくく(1.66%)で、保育士ほいくしとして  しゅうしょく してからなく返済へんさいをすることができます。 永住権えいじゅうけん必要ひつよう


B: National Education Loan

There is also a national education loan (up to 3.5 million yen). There is no repayment exemption, but the interest rate is low (1.66%) that you can repay without too much difficulty after getting a job as a Hoikushi.  Permanent residency is needed.




3年以内ねんいない免許保育士ほいくしめんきょ取得しゅとくすることが じょうけんですが、学校がっこうかよっているあいだ2020万円程まんえんていのお給料きゅうりょう毎月まいつきでるので、生活せいかつかせげます。くわしくはOBPにおわせください。 日本にほん国籍こくせきのある学生がくせいさんなどにはおすすめ。


C: Hiring System

There is also a plan that allows you to go to school, while working at a nursery school and receiving a salary.

 It is a condition that you need to acquire the Hoikushi license within 3 years, but you will be paid about 200,000 yen every month while attending school, so that you will be able to carry through your life. Please contact OBP for more details. Recommended for students with Japanese nationality, etc.


A,B,C のローンは、一定いってい条件じょうけんたしているひとだけがもうできます。

Those who meet certain conditions can apply Loans A, B ,C.

